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Los Angeles Hidden Gems Presents The 2024 LA Gem Award Recipients


The Los Angeles Hidden Gems 2024 LA GEM Awards are a simple "thank you" to the Los Angeles theatre community for a year of outstanding shows.


Friday, December 13th, Los Angeles, CA

written by Entertainment Editor, Dan Ruth


While we didn't get to see every work this year, we hope to keep growing and expanding in the years to come.


Outstanding Cabaret Performance:

Alli Miller Ice Cats: A Dead Mother Traumedy

Three Clubs


Best Biographical Solo Musical Performance:

Hope Levy The Connie Converse Universe           

Actor’s Company


Best Autobiographical Solo Musical Performance:

Joanna Parson A Transcriber’s Tale           

Broadwater Theatre


Exceptional Multi-Discipline Solo Performance:

Mayuri Bhandari The Anti “Yogi”                       

Zephyr Theatre


Exceptional Transformative Solo Performance:

Ben Kassoy The Funny Thing About a Panic Attack 

Broadwater Theatre


Outstanding Dramatic Performer (Male):

Robert Bailey In Some Dark Valley

Madnani Theatre


Outstanding Dramatic Performer (Female):

Amye Partain Brooklyn’s Way                                               

Theatre 68


Outstanding Musical Performer:

Diva LaMarr Little Shop of Horrors                                               

Pacific Conservatory Theatre


Stand-Out Supporting Performance:

Mitchell Pratt Something Stupid

Thymele Arts Theatre


Outstanding Comedy Solo Show:

Pam Levin Astrologically Screwed

Hudson Theatre


Outstanding Dramatic Solo Show:

Broadwater Theatre


Outstanding Black Comedy Solo Show:

Abel Horwitz Kosher Salt                       

Hobgoblin Theatre


Outstanding Autobiographical Solo Show:

Jon Gentry Black Bastard                       

Stephanie Fury           


Outstanding Biographical Solo Show: 

Shelley Cooper Jenny Lind Presents P.T. Barnum

Stephanie Fury


Outstanding Storyteller:

David Dean Bottrell Dear Mr. Bottrell I Cannot Possibly Accept This                                               

Rogue Machine/Matrix Theatre


Outstanding Survivor Story:

Gail Thomas Patient 13

Rogue Machine/Matrix Theatre


Exceptional Content Creation:

Playhouse West Original One Acts           

Playhouse West                                   


Outstanding Musical Ensemble:

John Wuchte's Vivian Vance Alive and Well Running Chinese Take-Out

Broadwater Theatre


Outstanding Dramatic Ensemble:


Jaxx Theatre


Outstanding Achievement in Playwrighting:

J. Holtham The Sphere of Fixed Stars in the Heavens                                   

Broadwater Theatre


Outstanding Soundscape/Design:

Ellie Pyle/James Ingram The Sphere of Fixed Stars in the Heavens

Broadwater Theatre


Outstanding Set/Costumes:

Jaxx Theatre


Outstanding Spoken Word Ensemble:

Hudson Theatre/Soho Playhouse NYC

To contact us about your show, please reach out to LA Hidden Gems at Thank you all, please keep creating exceptional work and keeping reaching for the stars! LAHG



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